RSS is back. There's a shiny icon on the posts page that links to it, and it's built at the same time as the python website generator.
It's been forever since I've written a RSS generator so I'm not sure if the pubDates are required for good feed reader integration, but I'll add them as problems show themselves.
The RSS icon is an inline SVG. I was considering the icons from fontawesome and stealing the stylesheet from the W3 tutorial, but that didn't seem right and they are for-profit by selling licenses. Not that this site needs a paid license, it was more of the principle of the thing. Though the icons they have are nice.
SVG images have the nice property of changing the color with CSS, which can't be done with (base64-encoded) images. Though it took a while to figure out how to get rid of transformations in Inkscape.
At some point I want to be able to process and view access log data on the web. That was easier to do with a reactive site. I'm still getting a surprising number of hits on my archived content (which now redirects into an error message), but I'm pretty sure most of them are bots. If you want access to archived content, find a way to contact me and I can try digging around in the archaeological SQL repository. Nothing is forever on the internet. Bitrot will take all (though offline backups plug some of the gaps).